
At a time when security is a national priority of the European Union, FSDI Latvia invites you to join the leading companies and universities – members of FSDI Latvia and participants of Cluster of Security and Defence of Latvia willing to release industry capabilities and opportunities in dual use markets and supply chains on national and international level.

In the framework of the European Union funded project No 16/A/001/ "Creation of Cluster of Security and Defence of Latvia" we are ready to support your business in creating products for dual use (military or civilian needs). And we encourage cooperation for development future deals to positioning your products for use in dual segments. We do forsee need for closer work to realise international comitments and develop cooperation in NATO, European Defence Agency and bilaterial programmes, as well as promoting your achievements.  

Get practical support for your involvement in security markets in the world, with the co-financing of EU funds up to 85%! Learn more in an action video: HERE

The Cluster strategy focuses on promotion of products of its participants to implement measures to rise exports and support collaboration with research institutions – while developing new products according to the needs of the Ministry of Defence, European Defence Agency and NATO's capacity development plans.

Cluster will create prerequisites for cluster participants successful work at the local and external target markets. In the framework of the cluster meetings with potential partners, product presentations in Latvia and abroad will be organised, an in-depth security and defence industry supply and demand analysis, supply chain systems research will be made. Cluster will enhance the availability of information and activate cooperation with potential partners and supply leaders. Cluster will procide with monitoring of the major target market research programmes and procurements, providing knowledge transfer to cluster participants onsite and offsite. The cluster will strengthen cooperation with educational institutions and research institutions to create the prerequisites for high value added, innovative product development according to needs of Latvian, international organisations and target markets.

Security and Defence Cluster of Latvia has received bronze certificate of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative. More about the benchmarking evaluation HERE. And FSDI Latvia welcomes the work done so far, but much more we nood to do together to build a strong core and offers for security needs. Your experience and the invaluable contribution is essential success factor for reach of objectives of FSDI Latvia and the Cluster.

Will be happy to discuss your company's joining FSDI Latvia and the Cluster. Would be happy to give you additional information: klasteris (at) or phone: +371 67619226.